Private Money Investor
Learn how you can make good returns backed thru Real Estate and how you can leverage money that’s sitting in accounts you didn’t know you could access. Invest in one property or many -you decide what’s right for you and your money. If you would like more information, please enter your contact information by clicking below and filling out the form as a Private Money Investor, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Hard Money Lenders
If you are currently offering Hard Money or Private Money loans, and have a unique product or service, you may be who we’re looking for. Please send us your information by completing the form linked below as a Hard Money Lender. Please click the link below to complete your company matrix.
Real Estate Agents
If you are a Real Estate Agent that would love working with a Real Estate Investment firm that can help take your sales to the next level, you’re in the right place. We don’t ask you for leads. We give YOU leads, as well as an opportunity for a second sale. That’s right, two sales in one. If you would like more information, please enter your contact information by clicking below and filling out our form as a Real Estate Agent, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Mortgage Loan Officers
As a Loan Officer, do you have clients that would benefit from a Real Estate Investment Loan? If so, you should consider partnering with us and our Team of existing Hard Money Loan Officers. We’ll show you how to make it work even in this tough ever changing traditional Mortgage lending world. If you would like more information, please click the button below and enter your contact information as a Mortgage Loan Officer, and we’ll be in touch soon.
If you’re a Licensed MHIC - General Contractor, with years of experience in property renovation and great customer service skills, we may be a good fit. We love working with General Contractors who not only have a great work ethic but also have a proven track record of quality work and impeccable customer service. If this sounds like you and your company, we’d love to hear from you. If you would like more information regarding us working together, please enter your contact information by clicking the button below and filling out the form as a Contractor, and we’ll be in touch soon

Wholesalers/Property Locators
Do you currently find properties but can’t get rid of them quick enough? If that has happened to you more than once, we can help in many ways. We offer a few options in these scenarios including Joint Venture opportunities. If you would like more information about our program, please click the button below, then enter your contact information as Property Locator, and we’ll be in touch soon.
Affiliate Partnerships
If you have a unique idea, suggestion or skill set that would fit into our operation, our Ears Are Wide Open. Please enter your contact information by clicking the button below and filling out the form as Affiliate Partnerships, and we’ll be in touch soon.